Translation in Azerbaijani

Eldar Akhadov, Azerbaijan

Reverend Eli Jenkins' Prayer (from UNDER MILK WOOD)
Каждое утро, едва лишь проснусь,
Бог милосердный, тебе я молюсь:
Не отводи ни потом, ни сейчас
Взгляда от смертных и суетных нас!
Вечером каждым, устроив закат,
Благослови, Вседержитель, мой град!
Долго ли ночь будет длиться иль нет,
Верю в нетленный сияющий свет!
В чаще Молочного Леса души
Все мы -  не плохи и не хороши.
Пусть это так, безусловно, и всё ж
Лучшее в каждом Ты снова спасёшь!
Завтра Тебя станем так же молить
День наступивший немного продлить,
И вожделенные солнца лучи
Видеть сквозь сон и сиянье свечи.
Eldar Akhadov, Azerbaijan


Fot the original text:
Every morning when I wake,
Dear Lord, a little prayer I make,
O please do keep Thy lovely eye
On all poor creatures born to die
And every evening at sun-down
I ask a blessing on the town,
For whether we last the night or no
I’m sure is always touch-and-go.
We are not wholly bad or good
Who live our lives under Milk Wood,
And Thou, I know, wilt be the first
To see our best side, not our worst.
O let us see another day!
Bless us all this night, I pray,
And to the sun we all will bow
And say, good-bye – but just for now!
Dylan Thomas
‘© The Dylan Thomas Trust’
Eldar Akhadov was born in Baku. He is the author of 73 books of poetry and prose published in five languages in Azerbaijan, Egypt, India, Mexico, Serbia, Russia and the USA.

Translation in BCS (Bosnian-Croatian-Serbian)

Zlatan Demirović, Bosnia and Herzegovina






Moje su suze poput tihog nanosa

latica čarobne ruže neke;

i sva moja tuga teče kroz rascjep

snjegova i neba nezapamćenih.


Mislim, da kad bih dotaknuo Zemlju,

ona bi se raspala;

to je tako tužno, a i lijepo,

tako drhtavo, kao san.


Translated into BCS (Bosnian-Croatian-Serbian) by Zlatan Demirović


For the original text:




My tears are like the quite drift

Of petals from some magic rose;

And all my grief flows from the rift

Of unremembered skies and snows.


I think, that if I touched the Earth,

It would crumble;

It is so sad and beautiful,

So tremulously like a dream


Dylan Thomas

‘© The Dylan Thomas Trust’




Zlatan Demirović, Bosnia and Herzegovina, is a bilingual book writer, novelist, critic, internationally acknowledged poet, and trilingual translator (English, Czech, Bosnian-Croatian-Serbin languages).The founder of:



Translation in Tajik

Abdukakhor Sattorovich Kosimov (Abdukakhor Kosim)-Tajikistan

Суруди Дилан Томас “Ба торикӣ марав ором андар шоми танҳоӣ”


Ба торикӣ марав ором андар шоми танҳоӣ,

Бишав ҳушёр андар зулмати шабҳо

Ва магзор, то шавад хомӯш рушноӣ!


Хирадмандон ҳамедонанд, торикист барҷое,

Чаро ки бо сухан гулхан наафрӯхтанд.

Ба торикӣ марав ором андар шоми танҳоӣ!


Ҷавонӣ рафта чун мавҷу вале бовар ҳамедорем,

Ки рафтори заифмон дар халиҷи сабз мемонад.

Набигзоред то хомӯш гардонанд рушноӣ!


Замоне ваҳшиён хуршедро карданд овое,

Ки дар парвоз мегиранд, вале гаштанд андуҳгин.

Ба торикӣ марав ором андар шоми танҳоӣ!


Бубинад ҳар яке вақте ки маргаш мешавад наздик, бо чашмони раҳпоӣ,

Ба монанди шаҳоб аз чашми нобино дурахш ояд.

Набигзоред то хомӯш гардонанд рушноӣ!


Дуо созам ҳаме бо чашми ашколуд аё Яздон,

Ҳидоят кун маро монанди ҳар инсон.

Ба торикӣ марав ором андар шоми танҳоӣ!

Набигзор, то ки хомӯшаш бигардонанд рушноӣ!


© The Dylan Thomas Trust’

Translated into Tajik by Kosimov Abdukakhor Sattorovich (pseudonym Abdukakhor Kosim)


 Original text:


Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night


Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rage at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Though wise men at their end know dark is right,
Because their words had forked no lightning they
Do not go gentle into that good night.

Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright
Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight,
And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way,
Do not go gentle into that good night.

Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight
Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

And you, my father, there on the sad height,
Curse, bless me now with your fierce tears, I pray.
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

 Dylan Thomas

 ‘© The Dylan Thomas Trust’


Poet, songwriter, journalist, publicist Abdukakhor Sattorovich  Kosimov  (Abdukakhor Kosim) was born  in the Vakhsh region of Tajikistan in the family of a blacksmith.

Nowadays he is a multi awarded writer.

His works have been translated into 30 languages and published in more than 50 countries. He is a member several literary and humanirarian Associations such as FOWCAAS, CIESART, the Russian Academy of Literature, the Academy of Russian Literature and Literary Studies, the International Union of Writers, the International Union of People's Diplomacy MESND-Kazakhstan, etc.