Poems for Dylan Thomas 2023/2nd part

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED - Each individual poem is copyrighted - Tous droits réservés


TUTTI I DIRITTI RISERVATI. Il copyright di ogni poesia appartiene ad ogni singolo autore


The poems are published in order of arrival

Poesie pubblicate in ordine di arrivo

Les poèmes sont publiés par ordre d'arrivée

Quotes from Dylan Thomas: ‘© The Dylan Thomas Trust’

Bill Richardson, Ireland




Each night, in the roofless house,

I balance on an oak beam

darkened by the rain and wind –

five empty floors below, the house a shell.

A fireplace set blackly in the wall

mimics grief

below a tattered portrait of the Pope.

This joist has tied the house together far too long.

It starts to give –

and chimney-crows begin to caw:

how lightly they fly off,

sensing how the beam could fall,

feeling how it plummets

as it tumbles down the storeys

and their cawing ratchets up.

Now it crashes to the ground,

improbably landing on its end – 

brief monument to recollect our pain.



Bill Richardson, Ireland




Bill Richardson (Ireland) is Emeritus Professor in Spanish at the University of Galway. Poems of his have been published or are due to appear in AtriumThe Galway ReviewPendemicVox GalviaThe Seventh QuarryAmethyst ReviewThe Stony Thursday BookOrbisThe OrchardsBook XI-A Journal of Literary Philosophy14 MagazineThe High Window and the Fish Anthology 2020.

Mariana Thieriot Loisel, Canada






Je rêve de tout oublier aussi

Comme vous

Me réduire aux herbes vertes

Au ciel

 À la terre

 Au tronc de cet arbre

Me fondre caméléon

Dans un paysage matinal

Mis à nu par la lumière

Qu’importe qui nous sommes

Nous passerons comme le vent

Paille légère


Un amour de plus

Un serment, une eau douce

Qui glisse sur la peau

Éphémères et communs

Dans cette histoire humaine

Parsemée de désastres


Feux discrets

Parmi eux.



Mariana Thieriot Loisel, FRANCE- BRÉSIL- CANADA





Mariana Thieriot Loisel est une philosophe, poète et peintre franco-brésilienne, résidente canadienne. Elle signe ses oeuvres Mar Thieriot.

Née au Brésil, issue de cultures brésilienne et française, élevée en France, en 1992, elle obtient une Maitrise en Sciences de l´Éducation de l’Université de Lyon puis en 1995, un Diplôme d’études approfondies en Sciences de l´Éducation Option: Philosophie de l´Éducation. En 1994 elle retourne au Brésil où elle termine un Doctorat en Éducation Culture et Société à la UNICAMP commencé en France. Elle y travaille pendant 14 ans comme professeur de philosophie à UNIFIEO à Osasco, situé à la banlieue de Sao Paulo. Elle émigre au Québec en 2008 et fait un stage postdoctoral en philosophie à l’université Laval sur le thème des mutations humaines. Sa formation compte aussi Les Beaux-Arts de Montréal et l’enseignement et la pratique du Yoga. Elle est membre fondateur du CETRANS Brésil où elle coordonne actuellement la formation transdisciplinaire.

 Sites : www.marianathieriotloisel


Huile sur toile avec pigments


Louisa Calio Bio: USA/Jamaica WI



JAMAICA  Dreamin’  


She said, those were just dream days, day dreams

to be free from fear and inhibitions

or voices giving direction.

Unreal, to live like this

Awaken with the sun, lie peacefully at night

live in harmony with inner time

Are you crazy or just dreamin’, child?


Sheer moon-mother-madness to dance

all silvery by the seaside  with imagined nymphs

swim with dolphins and mantas by night

No. Not me; this can’t be

will never be believed

Fires in the evening, casting a warm and subtle glow

bodies alive with motion, sweat, breath, heat


What, then, is real?


Louisa Calio  USA/Jamaica WI




Louisa Calio  USA/Jamaica WI is an internationally published award winning writer: the Connecticut Comm.of the Arts Award to Writers 1978, Finalist Poet Laureate Nassau County 2013, NY.Renaissance Award Italian Charities of America(2022) , 1st Prizes Messina, Sicily (2013), and Il Parnasso Canicatti, Sicily (2015, 2017, 2019)  Director Poet’s Piazza, Hofstra U 12 years, Co-founder City Spirit New Haven (1976-1986).Latest book, Journey to the Heart Waters, Legas Press (2014). http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louisa_Calio

Jamaica Dreams Spring Sunset

fine art photo by Louisa Calio

Anoucheka Gangabissoon, Mauritius



Poets weave dreams

And dance upon these


Poets breathe in dreams

And breathe out their experiences

As blood, poured out on paper,

Laden with the hues of their depths!


Poets dance upon their dreams

And sing of these for the rest of the world

To hear and to move their feet

In all due respect as well!


Poets merge in with their dreams

There where the seas meet with the skies

Then when the day turns musky at dusk

Poets then look back at the world

And touches it with their magic,

Spreading their vibes for all to inhale

And to make, their own!


Anoucheka Gangabissoon, Mauritius






Anoucheka Gangabissoon is a Primary school educator in Mauritius.  She writes poetry, short stories and novellas as hobby.  Her writings have been acclaimed at both national and international level.

Sandrine Davin, France



Rêve d’ailleurs


Une bande de terre

                               Les séparent

Entre ici

                Et là-bas



                De l’hier

                               Pas de serrure

                                                               A la clé


Passer sans entrer

                               Sans laisser passer


Peaux écorchées           

                               Par trop de bleus

Au cœur


                                               Regardent l’ailleurs


 Sandrine DAVIN, France




Sandrine DAVIN est née le 15/12/1975 à Grenoble où elle réside toujours.

Elle est auteure de poésie contemporaine, a édité 16 recueils de poésie dont le dernier s’intitule « Terre - guerre » chez LiberEdition.

Ulises Paniagua, México


Respiración y paquidermo



Puedo palpar la respiración del soñante:

qué de frágil eterno en sus rompientes encorva

cómo florece el aleteo de lo negro    la proximidad

la cándida amenaza que peina al imaginario del coloso


Dentro de su diafragma de agua    la muerte y la ilusión

afelpan  yerguen  rugen con persistencia

relámpagos de sal esperan un guiño de luna


El orbe transparenta fósiles laberintos

acuosos huesos de paquidermo embestido en cada oleaje


Y las boyas y los barcos

en su sábana extendida

se vuelven incandescentes focos que dictan armonía


Silencio  Vigilia  Silencio   

El soñante respira

La eternidad responsa en el sonido de una playa


Silencio   Asciende   Desciende

El soñante cae los párpados

en busca de una hembra con estola de tormenta.



·   Ulises Paniagua, México





Ulises Paniagua: Narrador y poeta. Ganador del Concurso Internacional de Cuento Gabriel García Márquez, Colombia (2019). Entrevistado por Silvia Lemus en el programa “Tratos y retratos” de Canal 22 (2022). Incluido en la antología Puente y Precipicio, en Rusia (2019). Autor de dos novelas, nueve libros de cuentos y cinco poemarios. Ha sido divulgado en Nocturnario, Círculo de poesía, Punto en línea, Ígitur, Nueva York Poetry, Altazor, Algarabía y Peródico de Poesía. Publicado en Revista Anestesia a través de su columna “Los textos del náufrago”. Director del Coloquio Internacional de Poesía y Filosofía (respaldado por el FCE). Director de la Colección Digital de Terror en Editora BGR. Ha sido traducido al inglés, ruso, griego, serbio, checo e italiano.









It would be better if one turns to a bee,

And settle on the flowers of the world.

When your lips tremble because of happiness,

You won’t be able to find a word.


Let your breath become dry

Because of the excitement.

When you forget the earth and the sky,

Let the great God protect you.


It would be better if you are splashed like stars,

Then to be gathered together for to be the sun.

To delete the  world from your memory

And to start to get acquainted with it again.


Let you holding  the hand of the God

The light of the God in your heart

It would be better only for a day

To be a child in the arms of God.





 Translated from Azerbaijani into English by Sevil Gulten





Assos.Prof.Dr. Tarana Turan Rahimli is an Azerbaijani poet, writer, journalist, literary critic. She is a doctor of philological sciences, Associate Professor, author of 8 books and more than 500 articles. The work has been published in over 45 countries in 25 languages.


Zlatan Demirović, Bosnia and Herzegovina





Is this the end or just a beginning?

The moss of civilization,

god like creation, spicily conducted by Lucifer’s baton,

spills the green landscape of blue ball speck of dust.


“Why we must die,”

a philosopher asked his audience at the funeral.

Without dying, the Universe will be just a museum,

replied the Nowhere, crying for the wounded bird 

fluttering its wings in the middle of the road.


Why should we live such a short life,

obese man just asked, sunk into his comfort.

The journey of experience is endless and reversible,

screamed the raven from the gravedigger’s shoulder.


Whatever else it comes from this frontal-lobe. 

thinking brain today,

I would say,

I really love these flashy broken mornings-

interwoven with the endless ocean breathing...


Rage, rage against the dying of the light...



©® Zlatan Demirović, Bosnia and Herzegovina




Zlatan Demirović, Bosnia and Herzegovina, is a bilingual book writer, novelist, critic, internationally acknowledged poet, and trilingual translator (English, Czech, Bosnian-Croatian-Serbin languages).The founder of:



Sara Rodolao,Italy





Io sogno lei, l’ho sempre sognata.

Ho cominciato a sognarla

quando ero una massa informe di cellule.

Sognavo il suo volto,

 mentre condivideva con me 

il cuore e l’attesa

attraverso la pelle dilatata del suo ventre.

Sognavo di lei, sognavo sempre.

Mentre succhiavo vita dal suo seno;

lei affacciata su di me espandeva profumo di fiori

 e grondava gioia dagli occhi;

spiava il mio sonno stingendomi al petto

e mai stanca sussurrava morbide parole.

Tutta la vita l'ho sognata

 e continuo a sognarla, 

anche ora che ha consumato il suo tempo 

e il mio tempo è prossimo a scadere.

Sogno un altro tempo e un altro spazio

 dove posso ancora sfiorarla

e ritrovare il tepore delle sue mani,

abbracciare il suo corpo

 prosciugato dagli anni:

esile e fragile come un filo d’erba tra i rovi.

Sogno di rivederla come allora:

Il viso che irradia bellezza

affacciato come un fiore sul mio

e l’amore che gronda dai suoi occhi.



Sara Rodolao, Italia





Sara Rodolao, Italy.

Poetessa- Scrittrice- Operatrice Culturale 


All'attivo 12 raccolte di Poesie, 6 romanzi, 2 raccolte di racconti, 1 di monologhi per voce femminile, tema la Violenza di Genere e il  femminicidio

Maristella Angeli, Italy





phosphorescent petals

in the night

brilliant feelings

ride the time

osmosis of bold thoughts

travel in the non-time

in the unreal

boundless space

children's fairy tales

castles of cards


fireflies enclosed in the eyes

ballerinas on pointe

twirl lightly

having fun cheerfully



I sogni



petali fosforescenti

nella notte

brillanti sentimenti

cavalcano il tempo

osmosi dei pensieri più arditi

viaggi nel non tempo


spazio sconfinato

fiabe di bimbi

castelli di carte

i sogni

lucciole racchiuse negli occhi

ballerine sulle punte

piroettano leggere

divertendosi allegre



Maristella Angeli, Italy




Maristella Angeli, Italy,  is a poetess, fantasy writer and painter who has always felt the need to express herself in different artistic forms. 

She has published ten poetic collections, two fantasy novels, and has exhibited her paintings in personal, group and international events.




§  https://www.instagram.com/maristella.angeli/

§  https://www.facebook.com/artistamaristellaangeli/




Sandro Orlandi, Italy




I dreamed

to chase the sun

behind the clouds

out of time

beyond space.

Shadows and death

light and love

frost and warmth

smile and cry.

I dreamed

to be able to grasp it

to hold it with my hands

until I burn them

until everything set on fire

of happiness.

And at that moment

in that beautiful moment

I heard

I firmly believed

to be able to hope in life

and to have overcome the dream

to be able to exist.

I dreamed

to be able to overcome the darkness



But I dreamed

I just dreamed.




 Ho sognato


Ho sognato

di rincorrere il sole

dietro le nuvole

fuori del tempo

oltre lo spazio.

Ombre e morte

luce e amore

gelo e tepore

sorriso e pianto.

Ho sognato

di riuscire ad afferrarlo

di trattenerlo con le mie mani

fino a bruciarmele

fino ad incendiarmi tutto

di felicità.

E in quel momento

in quel bellissimo istante

ho sentito

ho fermamente creduto

di poter sperare nella vita

e di aver superato il sogno

di poter esistere.

Ho sognato

di poter vincere il buio

per sempre

per sempre.

Ma ho sognato

ho solo sognato.


Sandro Orlandi, Italy




Sandro Orlandi, Italy,  was born on 2/1/1951 in Rome. Medical hospital, is now retired. He has always felt a strong need to wright, succeeding to express himself with poems, songs, stories and novels. Has published several books, and some of these were honored in literary contests. He also recorded two cd with 30 his songs.

The author of the painting " Mallow flower” painting by Maristella Angeli, authorizes the publication of the image.





" Mallow flower” painting by Maristella Angeli,

Paulo Duarte Filipe, Portugal/UK



The time goes by

                             (what hours)

 well, as you said the hours become expendable when the seconds

                             (what seconds)         

well, as you were saying when the seconds are hermetic the people are blue

                             (which people)

well, as you used to say people love to pretend to be careless                                                                                              

                            (maybe not so carefree)

on distorted avenues of nobody’s downtown

                           (of which city)

well, as you said any dream is acceptable when is in-deep self-emptiness

                          (what emptiness)

well, as you were saying a self-emptiness attitude flatness any dream

                          (which dream)

well, as you used to say our dreams are due to reborn soon from nowhere

                         (I might now suggest some flexibility of thoughts)

you have a unique perception of where your dream begins and ends

                                          what dream

                             what dream

   what dream                       


(well, you never said that our dreams will rise and fall for no reason)






Paulo Duarte Filipe (Portugal/UK) is a Portuguese award-winning multidisciplinary artist in drawing, poetry and cinema,

resident in England. Sculpture, painting, drawing, portraiture, Raku ceramic, installation, poetry and

prose, culture promoter, live performance, curatorship, acting and cinema are the creative areas in which

Paulo works. He is the founder of the contemporary art movement called "pandemic art".


Anna Maria Dall’Olio, Italy


In fiocchi di neve più sole


Spazzolando nuvole dagli occhi,

sogno spreme sostanza

                       al tatto pelosa pesca

                       su lingua goccia la linfa

sogno innerva sostanza

                       in fiocchi di neve più sole

                       più luce di singole lenti

sogno suona sostanza

                                   più musica di violini e viole


                                   serenata a sonni di parole.


Anna Maria Dall’Olio, Italy




Anna Maria Dall’Olio (Pescia, 1959).

Laureata in Lingue e in Lettere, esperantista, curatrice della sezione italiana di Beyond the language (silloge poetica in sette lingue pubblicata in India nel 2021), si è dedicata alla narrativa breve, alla poesia e alla scrittura drammaturgica.

Vincitrice di molti premi nazionali e internazionali.

Autrice di numerose pubblicazioni, tra cui Tabelo (Edistudio, 2006), dramma in lingua esperanto.

Recensioni e articoli di critica sono stati raccolti in Le sirene di cartone di Anna Maria Dall’Olio (Editrice Totem, 2017).

Kang Byeong-Cheol, South Korea


Broken Dream of Dragon


On the Jeju coast where dreams melt away, stands the Yongduam.

The shape of the dragon, eroded by the waves, is filled with sorrow.

Though not grand, its appearance exudes pride,

a legendary rock that stands up to the sky.


According to the legend, the dragon was in search of jewel-like jades,

but was shot down by a divine arrow and plunged into the sea.

In an instant, its head froze while staring up at the sky,

a world of dreams filled with endless disappointment.


However, those who come to Yongduam encounter reality rather than dreams.

One can witness the hard work of the female divers in the sea

and enjoy the cafes, bars, and restaurants that fill the area.


Travelers who come to find Yongduam

can experience Jeju's history and scenery,

where legends and reality come together,

and depart with the dreams of the sad dragon in their hearts.


Kang Byeong-Cheol, S-Korea





Kang Byeong-Cheol is a Korean author, poet, translator, and Doctor of Philosophy in Political Science. He has won four literature awards and has published more than eight books. He was a member of The Writers in Prison Committee (WiPC) of PEN International from 2009 to 2014.

Тетяна Грицан-Чонка (Україна)-Tatiana Hrytsan-Chonka (Ukraine)




По сонячнім полю,

По зайчику, вітру, по долю…

Усім нам ще сниться – йде білий Лицар,

 Що носить нагору вітри в Синій Яр.

Усім треба світла, усім нам все треба,

 Усього усьому, усім нам до Неба.

Тому і дерева стоять чисто голі,

Аби не застати нам Сонця, аби ми поволі

До Неба ступали…

 На пів намальовані, сині з зірками, на пів заницьовані –

До Амальгами, до сонячних зайчиків, до Апогею, до прірви,

де Рай – Життям  по Неоновім гелю


Амальга́ма (англ. amalgam, нім. amalgam) — сплав ртуті з іншим металом. Більшість металів, крім заліза і платини, можуть бути частиною амальгами


Апоге́й (грец. απογειος — далекий від Землі) — точка еліптичної навколоземної орбіти небесного тіла, зазвичай Місяця або штучного супутника Землі, найвіддаленіша від центру Землі.





Грицан-Чонка Тетяна Василівна — українська письменниця. Автор 11 поетичних збірок та роману-есе. Співавтор 57 міжнародних антологій та альманахів. Лауреат міжнародних та всеукраїнських премій та лауреат багатьох конкурсів. Вона є членом Національної спілки письменників України.



Hrytsan-Chonka Tetyana Vasylivna is a Ukrainian writer. Author of 11 poetry collections and a novel-essay. Co-author of 57 international anthologies and almanacs. Laureate of international and all-Ukrainian awards and laureate of many competitions. She is a member of the National Union of Writers of Ukraine.

Yang Geum-Hee, South Korea


Dream of the Goddess of Spring


Persephone, daughter of Zeus and Demeter,

What colors make up the dream of the goddess of spring?

Amidst the yellow forsythia and violet,

Cherry blossoms and purple flowers unfold.

But by the melancholy stone, under the tree,

Afternoon speaks a different language, alone.


Clouds wander and roam,

Taking shape and disappearing in the sky.

A thousand years passed, and a thousand more,

Meditating on the grass, one dreams of the goddess of spring.


Sand grains roll tirelessly, on and on,

Creating new worlds with each turn in her dreams.

Spring winds crash onto the tree's back,


In the quiet afternoon, spring speaks in a blocked language.


Yang Geum-Hee, S-Korea




Poetess Yang Geum-Hee is a Korean poetess. She has published two collections of poetry. She was the first president of the Ieodo Literature Association and the editor-in-chief of the Jejuin News. She was a research fellow for the Society of Ieodo Research, served as a researcher at the Jeju Sea Grand Center at Jeju National University, and held a special professorship at Jeju International University.