Poems for DylanDay 2023/8th part

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED - Each individual poem is copyrighted - Tous droits réservés


TUTTI I DIRITTI RISERVATI. Il copyright di ogni poesia appartiene ad ogni singolo autore


The poems are published in order of arrival

Poesie pubblicate in ordine di arrivo

Les poèmes sont publiés par ordre d'arrivée

Quotes from Dylan Thomas: ‘© The Dylan Thomas Trust’

Yoon-Ho Cho, USA


A Dream Poem



I'm holding a red rose,

that reaches to your heart,

do you know my dream?


Becoming a bird

and entering into your heart.

I dreamed of myself. 


I'll sing you a sweet song.

My dream from which 

I don't want to wake up

before the night is over.



Yoon-Ho Cho, USA




Yoon-Ho Cho (USA) is a poet who has published seven books of poetry and won a number of literary awards.

He is both an editor and the publisher of Korean Expatriate Literature and International Modern Poetry.

Jüri Talvet, Estonia







Otsekui tillukesi liblikaid

kollaseid sõbralikke helmeid

endalt maha raputab



Õielehti milles veri

jäänud on mõttesse


poetab roos


Helmeliblikatest õielehtedest

sinust kes sa end kordad

nagu nemad


silmadesse huultesse

rohelisest tüvest

liigi tarkust lood


tehtud on



elavkatketu vool







Like tiny butterflies

yellow leaves float

gently down

from the mimosa


Onto the writing desk

petals that calm blood

into thought

fall from the rose


From butterfly-leaves from petals from you

who repeat yourself

as they do


bearing forth from the green stem

a species’ wisdom

as eyes and lips



from dreamreality

from realitydream

a lifesteady stream


    (English translation by J. Talvet & H. L. Hix, from the book Of Snow, of Soul, Toronto: Guernica, 2010)


 Jüri TALVET, Estonia





Jüri TALVET was born in Pärnu (Estonia). A graduate of the University of Tartu (1972) and a PhD by Leningrad (St. Petersburg) University (1981), he chaired from 1992 to 2020 World / Comparative Literature program at Tartu University, where he also founded Spanish Studies. Today he is Professor Emeritus. In 2016 he was elected member of Academia Europaea. He has published in Estonian more than twenty books of poetry and essay. His books have appeared beyond Estonian in English, Spanish, French, Italian, Russian, Romanian, Serbian, Japanese, Catalan and Greek translation.  For further data, see http://talvet.edicypages.com/en     



Tyran Prizren Spahiu, Kosovo





.... dylanday dream enriches hearts

it is time when I never feel lonely

in my simple world

water ennobles my soul

whenever silence accompanies me

kindness, prosperity, love I permanently find

tranquility rules my being


empty promises I do not need

nor I am thirsty for world treasures.


I hope Today

hopefully will rejoice the day, gift, love

the most gorgeous sounds of Dylanday Dream World

verses that fuel my senses

I do ask politicians

finally release from chains water streams

being in front of fireplace,

it is time when I eagerly await for permanent peace

warmth of love proudly to descend from heaven

being associated with the drops of happiness

me, and worldwide poets

asking the dreamed dream to descends on the whole world,

we strive to live today.


 Prof. Tyran Prizren Spahiu, Kosovo





 Tyran Prizren Spahiu, Kosovo

Trying to find topics that worry, nag, excites, rapes, embraces, and to describe is pleasure and

challenge ... Being emotionally connected letters, loves calm life he continues to spread

kindness….Tyran has written FIVE Novels and more than THREE Thousand Poems.


Carole Jacobs, Wales-UK


On hearing swifts over Torino


They prick the sky.

Their cries dart,

arrow sharp across

the pale and distant blue,

high above the room I rest in.


I cannot count them.

They shed nothing

of their intent.

Each one of their weaving screams

snags in a jazzy flood

on my just-waking mind

and fixes me,

at last, on their swoop

over roof tiles,

scarlet, sepia, gold


folds me in a dream of joy.


Carole Jacobs,  Wales-UK






Carole Jacobs and her husband, Allen, have lived on a small farm in West Wales, UK, for over 40 years.
In between looking after animals, gardens and family she has written short stories and poems.
“Journey Coat” a collection of poems about the Welsh heroine, Nest, written as part of Carole’s MA in Creative Writing, was published, as was her collection of Christmas poems, “Twelve Narratives”.
She continues to be inspired by the Welsh countryside around her.

Gianmarco Farfán Cerdán, Peru


Dylan Thomas does not enter the realm of oblivion


Poem by Gianmarco Farfán Cerdán



Dressed in the elegant suit

of the words that aspire

to become true poetry

Dylan Thomas remains to this day.


He still exists there

where death will have no dominion

because he will fight it fiercely

with his trade or his dark art.


The Welsh poet will continue sailing

between the luminous mist and the unpredictable dreams

of the demanding written word

for the thousands of new readers

that he will have all over the world

because they will follow him as literary apostles



So it happened before

and so it will happen after

in this immense theater of masks

in this infinite graveyard of truth.


Gianmarco Farfán Cerdán, Lima, Perú






Gianmarco Farfán Cerdán (Lima, Perú, 1978). Poet, writer, cultural journalist and film critic. In 2023 he was one of the four winners of the Best Poet Prize at the Philippine Venue of the Chinese Poetry Spring Festival Gala. Finalist of the “Ramón Remolina Serrano” Annual Prize for Journalism in 2012. Honorable Mention in the “Horas de Ágora” Story Contest in 2006. Author of the poetry books “Eres el amanecer” (2020, Municipality of Lima) and "Navegar en la palabra" (2021, Municipality of Lima). And he is co-author of the book "Cuentos y poemas de amor y amistad" (2023, Ciudad Librera). His poems have been published in the anthology "Ella es un Ángel (Versos y prosas para Jacqueline)" (2022, Tiberíades Ediciones) in Spain, in the book "Poética del espacio. Taller de poesía” (2020, Nuevas Voces Editores) from Colombia, in 19 literary magazines from nine countries, in 30 national anthologies and in the book “Primera Antología Pictórica y Literaria. Homenaje a Mercedes Sosa” (2020) by the argentine artist Gustavo Leonel Muñoz Ceverio.

Taghrid Bou Merhi, Lebanon/Brazil




In my dream, I saw a world so bright


A place where everything    ar beautiful and enchanting


The sky was blue, the grass was green


And the flowers were the prettiest I've ever seen.


I walked along a path so serene


With birds chirping and a gentle breeze.


The trees swayed to the rhythm of the wind


And I felt like I was in a magical land.


As I walked further, I saw a river so clear


With fishes swimming and ducks quacking near.


I dipped my feet in the refreshing water


And felt like I was in paradise untold.


Suddenly, I heard a voice calling my name


And woke up from my dream feeling surprised


But deep down inside, I knew it was real


A world so beautiful that only dreams can reveal.


  Taghrid Bou Merhi, Lebanon/Brasil 







Taghrid Bou Merhi is a Lebanese poetess, writer, and translator living in Brazil. She is an advisor to the countries Al-Sham literary platform for literary translation.

Editor of Al-Arabe Today, Rainbow, Agharid, Al-Nil Walfurat, Literária and Allaylak Magazine.Fluent in Arabic (native language), French, English, Portuguese, Italian and Spanish.Her poems have been translated into more than 30 languages.Author of 14 books.

Claudio Chiabotti, Italy

April  2023  War in Europe



Dreaming  of “Peace”


Painful steps around the theater-wings…

Elsewhere someone’s murmuring a prayer 

A strange chord’s flowing slowly from afar

Choir of anguish from lost souls elsewhere…

Ends the piece and Nothingness looms over the stage…


Now the nightmare turns to a dream

  Our’s  the choir that’s singing with power

    We are awake, we don’t fear in front of the ghosts.



Claudio Chiabotti, Italy





Claudio Chiabotti (Italy) is a CEng, but aside of his work as consultant manager, he writes sometimes History papers, or some critical essay of Philosophy. He published an essay on the counties of Piedmont in the Middle Ages, including stories and fables living even today, which was quite successful.  

The only poems he wrote were those when he was living in England: here is one of them, with some arrangement for the situation in Europe today.

Manuel Renaud, France


Alice at the beach


Old Lewis

under panama hat

at the first sun

on a summer morning

unfolds the large sheets

of his newspaper

which smells of fresh ink

and bad news

his tea is getting cold

and already the tourists

are turning up on the sand

with all the seaside paraphernalia

summer ritual

the weather is clear

a cloudless sky

Alice at the beach

he takes notes

I mean he's dreaming

Alice bathing over there

a game of badminton

she doesn't play very well

her laugh, the melody of her lips

he hears her notes

far and wide by the shore

it's already hot

even in the shade

Sir Lewis

will return at the end of the day

at the last rays

When the coast is filled with wonder

he will have written a few pages

Alice at the beach...


Manuel Renaud, France





Manuel Renaud is a French poet and composer.
He's been published in the U.K by Leaky Boot Press. "Beatlemania (and other real tales)".
He translates his poems into English,German,Dutch,Swedish and Danish.

Bogdana Găgeanu, Romania



The world of dreams




The world of dreams is special
Nobody can make you obedient there
Nobody can make rules
You are your own master .
The world of dreams is special
You can bring any colour
You can create any shape
Imagination is real .
You are a wizard with magic tricks
And you create your own show.
You can be whatever you want
You can wear whatever you want
Dreams are airplanes in the sky
Free , with a lot of power
Dreams make the impossible possible
Dreams make the invisible visible.
Dreams are fuel for our fire
For our desires that burn inside us.
Being a wizard of dreams
Is the most beautiful mission you can have.



 Bogdana Găgeanu, Romania






Bogdana Găgeanu (Romania  is a poetess and a playwright . She has been published in anthologies and magazines.

Her playwrights have been heard to different radios. She received a lot of international awards.



Tia Malagouen, France


 Hommage à Dylan Thomas


L'écume des vagues

saupoudre les bords de plages

de Swansea de tous tes songes



Tes paroles amplifiées

par l'écho radiophonique

continuent de hanter les

nuits galloises.


Ta voix rauque fidèle

à l'accent trainant

de tourbe frelatée

vacille parfois –


fouettée par les réminiscences

d'une enfance à l'innocence blessée

par le rejet d'une langue ancestrale muselée

par l'institution.


Ces fêlures, tant d'autres les ont connues

en faisant le marchepied de rêves imaginaires

d'où surgirait le génie patiemment à l'oeuvre -

d'une langue universelle.


Ton immense éclat de rire

réveille encore les dormeurs

lorsque tu lèves haut ton verre -

à leur santé. 





tes apparitions


à l'orée de mes songes.


Ombres chatoyantes


éblouissant mes fragiles iris,


sous la voilure des paupières.


La nuit diluée dans l'aube


de journées incandescentes,


te réincarne dans chaque cellule,


réceptacle palpitant de ta présence.


L'encre de ton sang bouleverse mon cœur.



Tia Malagouen, France





Tia Malagouen (France) est née à Oran de parents Algériens, d'origine Andalouse. Arrivée en France à l'âge de cinq ans, elle quitte vite sa ville d'adoption (Belfort) pour barouder autour du monde curieuse des divers modes de vie des populations locales. Diplômée en gestion d'entreprise, elle choisit de se consacrer à ses deux enfants et à l'écriture. Elle fera le choix de ne pas être publiée, n'aspirant à aucune notoriété (bien que ses écrits soient protégés).

Ekaterina Grigorova, Bulgaria



Disobedience of dreams


The ball I threw while playing in the park

Has not yet reached the ground.


Dylan Thomas


Judging by that muted bell,

that barely stirs the air,

the world has stopped for centuries:

the day is an impassable schoolyard

with screaming children, surrounded by games

of cars and intersections, weddings and funerals.

But while the sky is a smiling ocean,

creatures full of the benevolence of cumulus clouds

will swim around.

Look at that blissful dolphin,

on whose snout glistens the ball

of a strikingly green afternoon.

It was kicked over a 100 years ago

by a boy named Dylan Thomas.

Or by the golden shadow of Dylan Thomas' foot.


Непослушание на мечтите


Онази топка, дето хвърлих в парка,

като играех, още не е паднала.


Дилан Томас



Ако съдим по оня заглушен звънец,

който едва раздвижва въздуха,

светът от векове е спрял:

денят е непроходим училищен двор

с крещящи деца, заобиколени от играта

на автомобили и кръстовища,

сватби и погребения.

Но докато небето е усмихнат океан,

ще плуват наоколо създания,

пълни с благоразположението на купести облаци.

Вижте онзи блажен делфин,

на чиято муцуна блести топката

от един поразително зелен следобед.

Изритало я е към висините преди повече от 100 години

момче на име Дилан Томас.

Или златната сянка от крака на Дилан Томас. 


Ekaterina Grigorova, Bulgaria






Ekaterina Grigorova (1975, Dobrinishte) is a Bulgarian poetess and a graduate of Modern Greek Philology at the University of Sofia "St. Clement of Ohrid". She is an assistant professor at the Assistant Professor at the Department of "Mediterranean and Oriental Studies" at the New Bulgarian University since 2007. She has published three collections of poetry (2013, 2014, 2019) and are expected to be published soon. Two more books of her poems written in recent years. Ekaterina Grigorova has been honoured with state and other literary awards. Winner of the National Prize 'Slaveykova nagrada'. (second prize) in 2014 and the National Prize "Binyo Ivanov" (for contribution to the development of the country)for the development of Bulgarian poetry writing) for the same year.