Poems for Dylan Thomas 2023/3rd part

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED - Each individual poem is copyrighted - Tous droits réservés


TUTTI I DIRITTI RISERVATI. Il copyright di ogni poesia appartiene ad ogni singolo autore


The poems are published in order of arrival

Poesie pubblicate in ordine di arrivo

Les poèmes sont publiés par ordre d'arrivée

Quotes from Dylan Thomas: ‘© The Dylan Thomas Trust’

Lucilla Trapazzo, Switzerland/Italy



L’orizzonte degli eventi


Non so se la parola contenga

l’infinito o se è solo un’astrazione

flatus vocis. Se siano segni o senso

gli enti del pensiero

nescio. La mente è meccanismo

angusto un gioco in mano a bimbi.

Eppure afferro della terra il nome

e delle cose, l’ape, il vento lento

le sementi, la notte che passa

che ritorna e il cielo chiaro

increspa come vela

il lago. Inonda la bellezza

nuda e all’infinito germina in re

il pensiero. Sedotti sull’azzurra perla

dentro il nulla immenso, giochiamo

a dimostrare il mondo, perduti

all’orizzonte degli eventi.


Lucilla Trapazzo, Switzerland/Italy




Lucilla Trapazzo (Switzerland/Italy) is a Swiss-Italian poet, translator, artist and performer. After years spent abroad, for studies and work, in the DDR, Brussels, Washington DC and New York City, she now lives in Zurich, Switzerland. Convinced supporter of human rights and the planet, her social and feminine point of view is reflected in many of her writings. Four books of Poetry


Elisabetta Bagli, Italy/Spain



On the Banks of the Night


On the banks of the night

I dream of the white of the day,

A harmonic light fills my delirium

In the inviting darkness.

Insatiable agony are

Your iron words

That sparkle and sink,

Lacerating this present.

You erased the past,

You cancelled my name.

Lonely, on the banks of the night,

I expect a love that I don’t request,

A love that I want.




The Crust of the World


What is your offer?

Your dream or your shadow? 

Your future or your past?

A kiss lost

In the vanishing air of the night

Or the gnashing of teeth

In certainty?


What is your offer?

A memory of soft breasts

On which to languish

Or your dead belly

That has chosen the dark

In which you believed to be

A new You?


What is your offer?

You offer me a suspended soul

On the crust of the world,

A soul who implores mercy

For having finished



Elisabetta Bagli, Italy/Spain




Elisabetta Bagli was born in Rome (Italy) and she has lived in Madrid (Spain) since 2002. She is a writer of poetry, short stories and essays, and she is also a translator and interpreter of Spanish. She is the author of several poetry books, a compilation of stories, a children’s book, and articles and essays for newspapers and digital magazines around the world, and her poems and writings have been translated into twenty languages.

Emilio Capaccio, Italy





Ora sogno la notte

Solo la notte

Certi sogni che si sforzano di finire


Esistono un istante fuori dal tempo

senza chiedermi niente

Ora capisco il difetto della logica

la parzialità dello sguardo

il valore dell’inconcludenza

È necessario che nulla sia compiuto

Il mio passo incompiuto

Questo è il mio amore

il mio dispiego

come una presenza di cosa inesistente

Nel passare di qui e altrove

un irrefrenabile onnicapiente

non essere stato

Tendere a un punto di assorbimento

senza frangersi sulla materia dell’orizzonte


Emilio Capaccio, Italy







Emilio Capaccio collabora con varie riviste, siti e blog di poesia e letteratura. Ha pubblicato la raccolta: Voce del Paesaggio, edita da Kolibris Edizioni 2016, con prefazione di Massimo Sannelli, e la raccolta: Canzoniere della Biondezza, edita da L’Arciere del Dissenso 2019, con prefazione di Emilio Paolo Taormina. Come curatore e traduttore ha pubblicato le raccolte: Radice, del poeta spagnolo José Luis Hidalgo, Giuliano Ladolfi Editore 2017, e Princesse Amande, della poetessa francese Lucie Delarue-Mardrus, LietoColle 2017. Nel 2023, ha pubblicato per Neobar eBooks Via Lattea, traduzioni in rima della raccolta di sonetti inedita del poeta brasiliano, Olavo Bilac.

Stoianka Boianova, Bulgaria





Whatever I fantasize about, it already exists somewhere -

maybe on the earth, maybe in other worlds

or in other times. Fantasy writers predict the future.


With imagination I penetrate into other worlds,

sometimes parallel.

With fantasy I can see new images, new realities.


God is the greatest dreamer -

with boundless love and imagination

has created universes.


He has formed us in His image and likeness,

has bequeathed  the planet to us -  to be lords.

Dreamers, thought is material!


We have to be careful! The visions come to life.

Let's  keep the planet and space -

the home for us and other creatures!


© Stoianka Boianova, Bulgaria




Stoianka Boianova, Bulgaria. Physicist. Author - 11 books - Bulgaria, co-author of 3 bilingual books– India, over 65 international anthologies, publications in over 27 countries, numerous awards and recognitions around the world.

Minko Tanev, Bulgaria




I'm guilty of every dead stalk,

for my weed life even

and the blade grubs fiercely in me

through the subconscious caves.


In the crystal womb of dreams

I entered unnoticed and unheard –

the invasion caused confusion

and a stalactite tuning fork rang.


I cut off the unreasonable tops

and the icy rumble shatters me

of numerous volleys of speechless words

and screaming ears.


© Minko Tanev, Bulgaria




Minko Tanev, Bulgaria. Philologist. Author - 6 books - Bulgaria, co-author of 3 bilingual books – India, over 65 international anthologies, publications in over 26 countries, numerous awards and recognitions around the world. 

Aleksandra Lekić Vujisić, Montenegro



Broken (dreams)


It feels like waking up next to a ghost

and craving for life

and getting lost,

and I want to hold the girl that

I used to be,

tell her that ancient secret for me

doesn’t mean more than a sweet lie -

come on little girl,

be brave, don’t cry.


Broken, like a glass of wine

after a fight,

broken with all that was mine,

without no light,

broken like a preacher of forgotten prayers,

like a painting with no colours and layers,

and never asking the reason why -

come on little girl,

be brave, don’t cry.


You have broken my dreams

so many times before

but I always tend to ask for more,

I never stop and never believe -

come on little girl,

be brave, just leave.


Aleksandra Vujisić 

Podgorica, Montenegro






Aleksandra Lekić Vujisić (Podgorica, Montenegro) is a professor of English and an award-winning writer of prose and poetry. She is a co-author of more than 50 anthologies, and an author of a poetry book “Bleeding in my letters” (Publishing house Poetikum, Serbia, 2022). 

Natalie Bisso, Russia/Germany





I will go on about love,

Only you call me in love.

Give me a blue sky,

Where we will walk forever with you.

Show me life from the other side,

Where love and happiness are visible to everyone.

Prove that your love is for me,

It will flare up with a flame of fire in you again.

I'll believe it! I'm going to that country.

I'll make one dream!

To make you love me more,

While you're breathing, you haven't forgotten me.

I will go on about love,

Just call me into it!

Give me your heart forever!

Never ask to return it.




Я пойду на поводу у любви,

Только ты меня в любовь позови.

Подари мне небосвод голубой,

Где гулять мы будем вечно с тобой.

Покажи мне жизнь с другой стороны,

Где любовь и счaстье каждому видны.

Докажи, что для меня твoя любовь,

Вспыхнет пламенем огня в тебе вновь.

Я поверю! Я пойду в ту страну.

Я мечту загадаю одну!

Чтобы ты меня крепче любил,

Пока дышишь – меня не забыл.

Я пойду на поводу́ у любви,

Только ты меня в неё позови!

Подари мне своё сердце навсегда!

Возвратить его не требуй никогда.


Natalie Bisso, Russia/Germany




Natalie Bisso is a poet, novelist, and essayist. Author of 11 collections. The poems have been translated into 37 languages and published in different countries of the world. President of the International Literary Association "Creative Tribune" (LAST), head of the German branch of the SPSA, Academician of three academies. Honorary Figure of World Literature and Arts. She has been awarded many international orders and medals.


НАТАЛИ БИССО - поэт, прозаик, эссеист. Автор 11 сборников. Стихи переведены на 37 языков и опубликованы в разных странах мира.  Президент Международной Литературной Ассоциации "Творческая Трибуна"(МЛАТТ), руководитель Германского отделения СПСА,Академик трёх академий.  Почётный Деятель Mировых литературы и искусств. Награждена  многими международными орденами и медалями.

Marco Scalabrino, Sicily - Italy


Virdi russi janni e azzolu





nna lu me sonnu



a chiummu

a cui pigghia pigghia:


marciapedi virdi

arvuli russi

tappi janni cca e ddà.


Merguli merguli

lu trubberi azzolu.




Verdi rossi gialle e azzurra


Piovono / penne / nel mio sogno //

appuntite / a piombo / a colpire chi capita: //

marciapiedi verdi / alberi rossi / macchie gialle qua e là. //


Di mille smerli / la tovaglia azzurra.


Marco Scalabrino, Sicilia





Marco Scalabrino. Ha pubblicato: PALORI; TEMPU palori aschi e maravigghi; CANZUNA di vita di morti d’amuri; LA CASA VIOLA; La puisia di / The Poetry of Marco Scalabrino. Ha scritto tre commedie: LU CARRUBBU DI TITTA, L’AFFARI BUSILLIS, B. B. & B. PARADISU.

Germain Droogenbroodt, Belgium





Without knowing you,

I know you

without seeing you,

I see you

without feeling you,

I feel you

without hearing you,

I hear you in nights

when my mind is lonesome

and restless

becomes tempest,

shakes houses

rips branches from the trees

roses from the rose bushes

giving them wings

so that they can fly

to places unknown,

to sensations



Germain Droogenbroodt





Slowly the moon draws her golden sickle

from the soft belly of the night.


The dawn

opens the great window of heaven


and like a giant body

that stretching out awakens,

appears the sun with splendor and light.


What was shadow before

is carried away by the retreating night.


The green leaves

still bear the traces of the dream


of which an early bird sings the Song of Songs.

from “The Unrest of the Word”

Germain Droogenbroodt



Germain Droogenbroodt (Belgium) is an internationally known poet. He is also translator, publisher and promoter of international poetry. He wrote short stories and literary reviews, but mainly poetry, so far 16 poetry books, published in 30 countries. He received more than a dozen international poetry prizes. (and has been recommended for the Nobel Prize of Literature)

Juliet Preston, USA

Dream Under Milk Wood - 
Drifting endlessly in a sea of  
crests and troughs
endless bliss, 
or endless torment…
I can't even begin to fathom. 
The scenery changes day-to-day in a vast ocean 
we called life.
Some day I am a rock
Some day I am a storm
Some day I am simply drifting 
Like the crest and trough
are the interplay of the sea,
aim or aimless,
hope or hopeless 
are songs of life.
One sure thing,
I need beautiful colors
on a gloomy day of gray.
I need dream of paradise 
where no hope can be found.
It is not when pig can fly,
it is about dream 
to see my beloved in a field 
of milk wood trees.
© Juliet Preston
April 2, 2023
(Artwork: Dream, digital abstract; 2023 Dylan Thomas's day)
Juliet Preston (USA)
A poet at heart,
An artist by passion, and
An RF engineer by profession.

Irma Kurti, Albania/Italy





The fog covered everything today,

palaces, the deserted road, parks,

it infiltrates me to the bone and it

is sharp, cutting just like a knife.



The fog also covered my thoughts,

making them even more confusing

than before. I extend my arms like

two branches, searching for you. It

is hard to find you today, my love.

Sun’s rays are too weak to penetrate

the mist. I am a sleepwalker, who

breathes and lives within a dream.




Irma Kurti, Albania/Italy








I don’t know if it’s the alcohol;

in my eyes you’re so handsome.

Tell me it’s all real—

not a figment of my imagination.



Tell me it’s still you—

You who were close to me once;

 you, who once were my world.

You made me suffer, stirred all

my feelings as if that were the

first time I loved.



Thousands of verses I dedicated

to you,  sleepless nights and a sea

of hot tears. Kiss me; touch me;

let me understand, I am living—

it’s not a dream.



Irma Kurti, Albania/Italy






Irma Kurti is an Albanian poet, writer, lyricist, journalist, and translator and has been writing since she was a child. She is a naturalized Italian and lives in Bergamo, Italy. Irma Kurti has published 26 books in Albanian, 21 in Italian, 13 in English, and two in French. She has also translated 13 books by different authors, and all of her own books into Italian and English.


Shikdar Mohammed Kibriah, Bangladesh



Hybrid Dreams



Alike a sleepyhead wife waveless wintry river              

Boatmen unwillingly paddle shivering in the cold.                   

Leaving aside sobbing water, sleepy storks,                

Marshy paddy and human habitation

I'm, a post-modern Adam

Going to be an immigrant

In hybrid dreams.        


Making an unthinkable garland in the sky                

How the migratory birds fly like that

I have come here this winter evening                     

To peddling dreams

Into the human colonies                   

Of the world.          


Obviously I'm a dream-hawker.

Have a dreamy warmth.

Do you think what's the colour

Of my chador and how comfortable it is.

Look at my coffee cup.           

What could you see?     


Green warmth—flying in the air

And swamp, stork, marsh-paddy, boatman

And human beings               

All of the things are floating in my dreams.


Shikdar Mohammed Kibriah, Bangladesh






Shikdar Mohammed Kibriah is a world renowned poet, writer and philosopher from Bangladesh. He is published, translated and awarded globally. His published books are 17 so far. He is a world poetic personality participating in world poetry conferences, festivals and world class anthologies, journals and magazines frequently.

Immacolata Schiena, Italy





Sapete che la strada sotto i piedi si accorcia

quando il sogno accarezza il pensiero?

Il sogno lambisce il tempo.

E certe volte mentre pensi,

il sogno ti rapisce e dici:

vorrei essere una nota musicale,

fra tutte e sette quella più dolce

che ti fa dormire quando sei stanca 

e non sai dove appoggiare la mente.

Vorrei essere l’onda del mare 

che ti accarezza quando è giorno e quando è sera.

Vorrei essere le ali di un falco o di un gabbiano

che da terra si alza e ti guarda da lontano.

Vorrei essere il tuo cuscino

per farti riposare quando puoi o quando vuoi.

Vorrei essere il vento 

per poterti ballare attorno

e avvolgerti nelle mie braccia.

Vorrei essere

fiamma e acqua santa.

Ma di tutte le cose del mondo,


vorrei essere quella che sono.

Solo che, vorrei avere un cuore grande grande,

per poter prendere voi, 

per poter prendere te,

e portarvi sempre con me.

Ma un cuore così grande chi me lo dà?

Eh ...si può solo sognare.

Viaggia il sogno

dalla mente al cuore.

Allora è proprio vero!

Sapete? La strada sotto i piedi si accorcia 

quando il sogno accarezza il pensiero.


Imma Schiena, Italy




Imma Schiena (Torino, Italia) pugliese, Insegna e vive a Torino. Sue pubblicazioni sono: “Teatrando e Poetando Goccia di Vita” con Arduino Sacco Editore, 2013, Roma. Nel 2019 “Parole in pietra. Sarà l’aurora”, Genesi Edizione, Torino, nel 2022 Qui giace Amore, GCL Edizioni, Taranto. È premiata in diversi concorsi letterari  nazionali e internazionali. Nel 2021 riceve il Riconoscimento Mondiale per la diffusione della cultura di Pace e Libertà dalla UMPPL( Unione Mondiale dei Poeti per la Pace e la Libertà), e riceve il premio Humanitarian and Peace Awards dalla Royal Kutay Mulawarman Peace International Institute.


Kristy Raines, USA




"Though lovers be lost, love shall not;

And death shall have no dominion" Dylan Thomas" *



Response to beautiful Dylan Thomas from Kristy Raines


When the day came I could not see you, I knew you were still with me

Even a star remains when comes the dawn.


Love is just a word that doesn't come close to the feeling

But the feeling is stronger than any word ever written


When your body no longer remained, the energy surrounded my soul that was left behind, and will continue to exist eternally in me


When I looked in your eyes, It was like a mirror to your soul

I could see both, the love and the passion that lived there


When a Summer breeze sweeps over my skin, I know it is you

No breeze feels as beautiful as one that comes from your breath


When our bodies both lay in the earth from where they came, love will remain

For when the flowers grow from the same earth, beauty and love return to live on


So, my Dylan.. Love will never die because it is the only perfect thing ever to exist

And perfection can not ever be destroyed, because we do not possess it in this world


Your soul still remains here with me and waits for my soul to join you. Wait for me...

Even if for now, you are only in my dreams


*Quotes from Dylan Thomas: ‘© The Dylan Thomas Trust’ 


Kristy Raines


In Memory of the beautiful Dylan Thomas




Kristy Ann Raines, Born in Oakland, California in The United States of America, is a very passionate American writer and Poet who has a very unique writing style which she attributes to her success in earning many literary awards, and awarded many certificates as a Peace Ambassador/Activist Internationally from many countries and is an Advocate for the Rohingya people and the people of Yemen.  Kristy works on online poetry groups as a Moderator/Reviewer and group expert and an Administrator for Poetry and Literature groups and has now opened a group with called War Against War-Save the World through Literature,  and also another anti war poetry group called, Give Peace a Chance. Kristy Is Publishing a Collaboration Anthology with a prominent Romance Poet from India and 2 of her own books.