ALL RIGHTS RESERVED - Each individual poem is copyrighted - Tous droits réservés
TUTTI I DIRITTI RISERVATI. Il copyright di ogni poesia appartiene ad ogni singolo autore
The poems are published in order of arrival
Poesie pubblicate in ordine di arrivo
Les poèmes sont publiés par ordre d'arrivée
Quotes from Dylan Thomas: ‘© The Dylan Thomas Trust’
Mintha béke lenne a teraszokon
és a szántóföldeken, a hegyek mérgezett
hordókkal teli gyomrában, a csapos
lelkében, mintha béke lenne a lövészárkokban.
Szól a smooth jazz, gerjed a test, emlékezik.
Narrál. Felejt és fölülír.
Látja a csatornát.
Látja a bugyrokat.
Szeretni szeretne.
De nem ér össze a fény.
És egy csomóban minden fájás.
(Mintha béke lenne)
As if there were peace on the terraces
and the ploughland, in the bellies of the
mountains filled with poisoned barrels,
in the soul of the tapman, as if there were
peace in the trenches. There’s smooth jazz
playing, the body is roused, it remembers.
It narrates. Forgets and overrides.
It sees the channel.
Sees the bolgia.
Wants to love.
To atone.
But the light isn’t joining up.
And all the pain is one big knot.
© Translated from the Hungarian by Anna Bentley
Come se ci fosse la pace sulle terrazze
e sui campi, nello stomaco pieno di botti avvelenate
delle montagne, nell’anima dell’oste,
come se ci fosse la pace nelle trincee.
Si sente lo smooth jazz, il corpo si accende, ricorda.
Narra. Dimentica e sovrascrive.
Vede il canale.
Vede le bolge.
Vorrebbe amare.
Ma la luce non si congiunge.
E tutto il dolore in un nodo.
© Traduzione di Györgyi Gyetvai e Gianmaria D. Eletto
Sándor Halmosi, Hungary
Sándor Halmosi. Hungarian poet, literary translator, editor and mathematician, coordinator of the World Poetry Movement Hungary. He attaches importance to promoting poetry and cultural dialogue, as well as the interconnection of literature and fine arts. In February 2020 he published a literary manifesto , with the title Ora et labora. Crying-out for Pure Literature. This is an attempt to shine a light on the spiritual crisis of the world, through an authentic poetic stance and the responsibility of the literates – independent of their respective countries, linguistic and social characteristics. He published about 40 volumes in Hungarian and other languages.
My Children’s Dreams
My son says: I like the graceful deer.
I tell him: When you grow up, one of them will charm you,
And I would have you marry her.
Here he is, dancing with joy and humming a song:
When I grow up, my father would have me marry
A graceful deer, and I will love her,
I will love her my entire life.
My daughter says: I like the wobbling swans in the lake!
I tell her: When you grow up, I will buy you a white dress
And send you with the swans to the other side of the bank.
You will find a handsome groom waiting for you there.
Here she is, dancing with joy and humming a song:
When I grow up, my father will buy me a white dress.
I will be a swan, and I will find my groom
On the other side of the bank.
Definitely, I will find him,
And I will love him my entire life.
Hussein Habasch, Kurdistan/Germany
Hussein Habasch is a poet from Afrin, Kurdistan. He currently lives in Bonn, Germany.
Born in 1970 in Şiyê Village. His poems have been translated into many languages and he has had his
poetry published in more than 100 anthologies. He participated in many international festivals of poetry in Europe, Northern, Central, Southern America, Asia, Africa. Recipient of the Great
Kurdish Poet Hamid Bedirkhan Award, awarded by the General Union of Kurdish Writers and Journalists. As well as the International “Bosnian Stećak” award for Poetry, awarded by the Bosnia and
Herzegovina Writers Union. Bronze poetry award Aristotle from Naoussa international poetry festival in Greece.
Flying Home
In the midst of dreams
over waves of blue black clouds
on the horizon
a fire-orange line
the sky lightens
clouds whip themselves tightly
as they transform to white
and through these, like lava,
sparkles of sun
even before it’s visible,
molten gold now,
risen, a day begun,
below an ocean
from the airplane
carrying me home
Helen Bar-Lev, Israel
Helen Bar-Lev, artist, poet
Former Assistant President, Chief Anthology Editor, Secretary, Overseas Coordinator, Voices Israel Group of Poets in English
International Senior Poet Laureate, Amy Kitchener Foundation
Israeli representative, Immagine& Poesia
Recipient Homer European Medal for Poetry and Art
Night Fox
The city is yours now –
The beery-breathed and bleary-eyed,
Long since fled to their beds on tottering hills,
Through pock-marked streets,
Leaving behind the detritus of days.
And you – did I dream you?
Shrugging your slippered form through the streets –
Fox of my sleep, perfectly possessing the night.
In streetlamps’ glamour, you lengthen,
Become one with the city – own it and are it,
Containing within yourself every drunken conversation,
Each ghosted desire; and now, as all within the city dies,
Now is your time to come alive.
Gently pad your silent tread,
Nosing your way into bins of leftover lives,
Plate-scrapings of dreams,
The jagged edges, drained dregs and fag-ends,
Wrinkled receipts, stamped stubs, spent lottery tickets,
All the numbers that never quite added up.
But you – you are not fussy, but feast on scraps
and gnaw upon the bones of our ambition.
Night fox, who knows better than anyone
How it feels to be hunted and how to become invisible.
Crouched at the corners of vision, a trick of shadow –
There, but not there – And so you are everything we fear,
For we fear, most of all, becoming invisible.
Night Fox, the streets are yours now,
The moon is full of itself,
And you and I, the last things alive
beneath the tombed sky.
Rebecca Lowe, Wales-UK
Rebecca Lowe is a poet, editor and organiser of spoken word events based in Swansea, Wales, UK. She lives just around the corner from Cwmdonkin Drive, Dylan’s childhood home. She has two poetry collections, ‘Blood and Water’ (publ. The Seventh Quarry, 2021) and Our Father Eclipse (publ. Culture Matters, 2022). On Instagram she is beckylowepoet. Some of her poems can be found on YouTube under Becky Lowe Swansea.
After the neighbors turn off the air conditioner
its sound remains
as an eaves of the balcony
and continues to shake
the chills of falling asleep.
The duplicated hours
of the confused minutes
and the stunned seconds
hit the electrons
compacted in the slit of the dream
and thunder in the cracked orbit
of the storm atom.
The severity of tonight's stress
equals with the nucleus mass
of the disturbed sphere
that hangs like an earring
on the threshold of the ear.
Vesna Mundishevska-Veljanovska, Republic of North Macesonia
Vesna Mundishevska-Veljanovska (1973, Bitola) is a member of the Macedonian Writers' Association and Macedonian Sciencе Society – Bitola. Author of 18 poetry and critical-essays books. Editor of many journals and books. Translated into various languages.
Where are we now?
In this universe as a vast bowl
Our first dream takes place
Starting with birth,
a zero point from which the progress
of our existence can be charted
full of eagerness and willingness
And we call this as life
Here, in the wonderland
In a night or in a day
We weave hopes to make them real
Into a broad rug for a long sienna dreams
We are here now, counting days
In a dream within a dream
Slumbering for rebirth
For a real blissful life in eternal dream.
Ewith Bahar, Indonesia
Indonesian poet Ewith Bahar has published eleven books. Hundreds of her poems were
published in many newspapers and online medias, home and abroad, and have been translated into English, Spanish, Indian, Nepali, Bengali, Serbian, Armenian, Uzbek, Tajik, Chinese, French,
Italian, Arabian, Catalan, Macedonian and Korean.
Wake to a Dream - a song/poem
Be a dream and wake to find out who you are
Be the night and let your thoughts be stars
Be a mountain stream and feel what it is to fall
Be the sea know what it’s like to have it all
Be the never ending sky be free
if it takes 100 years just dare to be
All a poet wants is for her words to fall in love
As they tumble from her lips onto the page
That you have opened just by chance
And there they’ll dance
Until the book is closed
And in the darkness they’ll be still
And quiet as a stone
Like figures from a fairytale waiting for the Princess
To wake
And maybe it will be 100 years before you open up that page
Before the kiss of your eyes brings those words to life
But still they’ll dance
Exactly as they were
With one added essence of a dream
That’s all a poet wants …
Be a river feel the stillness moving in you
Be a bird and be the one that flew
Be a tree and touch the heavens every night
Be the dawn and find yourself filled up with light
Be the never ending sky be free
If it takes 100 years just dare to be
Come la vita
Attraversata da un fiume
fatto da tempo e acqua
e ricordare che dentro me
scorre un altro fiume,
fatto di un altro tempo.
Sapere che perdo il tempo
in quest'altro fiume
dove i volti passano come l'acqua.
Acqua e fiume sono nel tempo
di un fluire fatto di sogno.
Dentro il sogno credo di non sognare
e che l'assenza che teme la mente
sia quell'assenza di ogni notte
seminata da occhi e di stelle immaginarie
che danno un altro finale al film
che usa il linguaggio della notte
per comunicare che la realtà non sta
in un solo sogno ma in tanti sogni
che spesso non hanno nessuna logica
come la vita.
Tra alcol e versi
(Dedicata a Dylan Thomas)
Braccia che scivolano dal corpo,
tintinnio, cadono le dita a terra.
La sedia più non sostiene
la forma del corpo.
Gioventù intrisa di alcol, esposta
a tante altre morti.
Fuori di sé
volti, immagini confuse, lirica estrema,
metafisica simbolica che esce
dallo sguardo,
voci che masticano la propria lingua.
Il poeta vede fantasmi,
caricature di volti ferme
negli occhi di pesce, congelati.
I suoi sogni trafficati,
feriti, incidentati
si affogano in una bottiglia.
La mente però bisbiglia,
deve scrivere, lui è un poeta!
Il poeta recupera il braccio
alimentato da arterie pesanti,
prende dei fogli poco distanti
per vomitare versi tremolanti.
Dalla penna escono istanti,
simboli pescati
da un tragico scenario.
Il poeta cade a terra,
si chiude il sipario.
Yuleisy Cruz Lezcano, scrittrice, poetessa, scultrice, fotografa.
Nata a Cuba , vive a Marzabotto (Bo). In Italia dall’età di 18 anni, ha studiato all’Università di Bologna laureandosi in “Scienze infermieristiche e ostetricia” ed in “Scienze biologiche”. Svolge attività lavorativa nella sanità pubblica.
Nel tempo libero ama dedicarsi alla scrittura di poesie e racconti, alla pittura, alla scultura e alla fotografia.
Numerosi sono i concorsi letterari a cui ha partecipato, ottenendo premi, riconoscimenti e apprezzamenti dalla critica. Ha al suo attivo numerose pubblicazioni. La sua poetica trae ispirazione sia dalla letteratura Europea (Rimbaud, Baudelaire, H. Hesse, F. Pessoa, G. D’Annunzio, E. Montale, G. Gozzano, P. Salinas …) sia da quella dei poeti americani e latino-americani (Edgar Lee, Walt Whitman, Rubèn Darìo, Julio Cortàzar, Alejandra Pizarnik …)
They are bright lights
in a dark night
Singing the song of a red dawn
At times of despair
They know how to inspire hope in our heart
With those departed
and left behind
We are reborn
with renewed hope
Still my world bleeds with pain
A blunt knife stuck in her heart
Her people devoid of hope
And anxious
Let the fears and pain
stay in the past
Let’s plant the seeds
of peace and love
On beleaguered to our world.
Time for harvesting will arrive,
I know
Let’s add our hopes to the half realised hopes of those
See me, yourself and my beautiful our world in that harvest.
Aycan Saraçoğlu, Cyprus/UK
Aycan Saraçoğlu was born 1963 in Cyprus. She immigrated to United Kingdom in 1999. Aycan’s poems reflects her way of life and hopes. Therefore her poetry voice friendship, struggle for freedom, peace and love.
“Field of Dreams”
you always seem to utterly amaze me
these nostalgic sanctuaries you bring me into a sublime revelrie
each time I close my eyes my soul starts to wander,
in faraway places I've never seen, can't seem to remember.
these field of dreams each night takes me to a different life
you hold my hand as we step into a magical world
enchanting palaces, at times I feel I'm reincarnated,
in this maze of majesties I'm left fascinated.
my spirit travels to a Kingdom I've never seen
standing in the middle of the ocean with a mystical stream
beneath a clear blue sky a mighty seagull flies,
seeking for a lost damsel within it lies.
if only I could just stay in this forbidden dimension
i will be living forever in such joyous stead
instead of always burdened with consternation,
in this mythical field of dreams, I will enjoy my eternal bliss!
Elizabeth Esguerra Castillo, Philippines
Elizabeth Esguerra Castillo is a multi-awarded International Author, Poet, and Visual Artist from the
Philippines. She has 2 published books, “Seasons of Emotions” and “Inner Reflections of the Muse” and
a co-author to more than 200 international anthologies. Her written works and artworks have graced
numerous international literary platforms and art exhibitions.
Denizin kıyısında
Bahçenin içinde
Uzakta bir ağaç görünüyordu
Kuşlar yuva yapmıştı
Denizin dalga sesleri duyuluyordu
Ağacın dalları sallanıyordu rüzgardan
Bazen de rüzgar duruyordu
Uykuda gibiydi rüzgar
Sessizlik içindeydi
Rüya gibiydi
Bir hayaldi sanki.
Türkan Ergör, Sociologist, Philosopher, Writer, Poet, Art Photography Model.
Türkan Ergör was born in city Çanakkale, Turkey. She was selected International "Best Poet 2020,2021,2022" and International "Best Author/Writer 2021, 2022" and FIRST PRIZE FOR THE OUTSTANDING AUTHOR IN 2022.