And you alone can hear the invisible starfall ...
(from: Under Milk Wood)
‘© The Dylan Thomas Trust’
ALL RIGHTS RESERVED - Each individual poem is copyrighted - Tous droits réservés
TUTTI I DIRITTI RISERVATI. Il copyright di ogni poesia appartiene ad ogni singolo autore
The poems are published in order of arrival
Poesie pubblicate in ordine di arrivo
Les poèmes sont publiés par ordre d'arrivée
Quotes from Dylan Thomas: ‘© The Dylan Thomas Trust’
Gabriel Rosenstock (Ireland) is an Irish writer who works chiefly in the Irish language. A member of Aosdána, he is poet, playwright, haikuist, tankaist, essayist, and author/translator of over 180 books, mostly in Irish. Born in Kilfinane, County Limerick, he currently resides in Dublin.(source Wikipedia)
Two Poems for DYLANDAY 2023
Rescuing The Past
Bebe Barkan (USA), painter, book illustrator, textile designer, and sculptor, has had numerous
exhibitions of her whimsical, folk-pop work in the Greater New York area, as well as
Stanley H. Barkan (USA), editor-publisher of Cross-Cultural Communications, has published
some 500 titles in 50 different languages. His own work, translated into 31 languages, has
been published in 31 collections.
Two Poems for DYLANDAY 2023
In the womb
I was happy
floating about
in my own sea.
I had all
that I needed—
why look for trouble,
exit Eden?
I remember . . .
You don’t believe me,
but I am sure
of this memory.
Now as I look
about me,
at daughter & son
and their children,
I think of
the journey
from then
till now.
From birth
to birth to birth
all over the earth—
the miracle of life!
—Stanley H. Barkan. USA
Out of the depths
(inside the pyramids)
eyes piercing
the supernal dark,
the enigma
of existence—
the last place—
captured here
in a face,
a portrait—
a portal into
the endless
where we have
come from,
where we are
why we are
—Stanley H. Barkan
Stanley H. Barkan (USA), editor-publisher of Cross-Cultural Communications, has published
some 500 titles in 50 different languages. His own work, translated into 31 languages, has
been published in 31 collections.
is Adel Gorgy's fine art photo to go with Stanley's H. Barkan's poem
Un sogno assopito
E chissà dove sarà mai questo
sempre invocato altrove
che ci insegnerà il coraggio
di vivere.
Forse in un sogno assopito
- le scarpe rosate ad ali
di farfalla per raggiungerlo -
o forse, non più divisi
nell’aria avvampata chiara
di bianco cherubino.
Attenderemo le sue vibrazioni
tenendo tra le mani
un lucido tremore, tra le labbra
traboccanti di luce
le sue labbra quasi a spezzare
la lotta che ci fa stare indifesi
in ogni respiro.
Donatella Nardin, Italy
Donatella Nardin (Italy) è nata e risiede a Cavallino Treporti-Ve. Appassionata da sempre di scrittura, soprattutto poetica, ha ricevuto per questa sua attività numerosissimi riconoscimenti in diversi Concorsi Letterari. Sue poesie e racconti sono stati inseriti in raccolte collettanee di molte Case Editrici e in antologie di Premi Letterari, in alcune riviste di settore anche straniere, in siti web e in lit-blog dedicati. Alcune sue liriche infine sono state tradotte in inglese, in francese e in giapponese. In poesia ha pubblicato per le Ed. Il Fiorino la silloge In attesa di cielo e la raccolta di haiku Le ragioni dell’oro per Fara Editore Terre d’acqua e Rosa del battito. Di prossima pubblicazione sempre per Fara Ed. L’occhio verde dei prati in edizione bilingue italiano-inglese e Il dono e la cura sempre in edizione bilingue italiano-arabo per Aletti Ed.
Dylan Thomas tells he dreamed his Genesis,
Genesis is another world,
Where there is only happiness,
Thomas becomes a child sometimes,
To become unknown of present,
Thomas wants to escape from wars and,
From the materialistic world,
From imagination and creativity,
All things are possible,
We can change or escape from our
Past, present and future,
We can get happiness for sometimes,
In dreams also we have some desires and hopes,
There are fulfilled and unfulfilled dreams,
If we can be conscious and awake in our dream,
We can be immortal,
So there is another world than this physical world,
Which is unseen and unknown,
So Thomas shows us the importance of dreams,
So dreams are sometimes good and sometimes bad it depends on our thoughts.
©® Binod Dawadi
Binod Dawadi (Nepal) the author of The Power of Words, is a master’s degree holder in Major English.
He has worked on more than 1000 anthologies published in various renowned magazines.
His vision is to change society through knowledge, so he wants to provide enlightenment to the people through his writing skills.
A Painter's Dream
Slow, lingering and long summer days
Edged in colors.
Bouquets, their perfumed scent flourishes
in a sudden storm.
Garden walks are measured in years
As afternoon dances on empty canvas
And inks in many hues
escape into threads of woven tales
A painter's dream.
Marsha Solomon, USA
Marsha Solomon (USA) has been living and working as a painter and a
poet in New York. Her work has been presented in museums and galleries in the US and Europe, and has been the subject of many exhibitions.
I know why
Dylan Thomas drank
the 18 whiskeys
and had already
all he wanted
to say--
it was like
a ship
being christened
and allowed
to eventually
the sea.
Chad Norman, Canada
Chad Norman lives in Truro, Nova Scotia (Canada). He is not a professor, so in order to keep food on the table and a roof over his family's heads he continues to work at day-jobs, along with the wealth of writing collections of poems. He has published around the world in magazines, journals, and anthologies. His new collection, Small Parental Forest, is due out with AOS Publishing (Montreal), Spring 2024.
In was in the middle
of a warm summer’s day
when I walked into a dream
and wandering
after years of open eyed sleep.
I saw myself
sitting on a big purple cloud
gliding over mountaintops
crowned with the whitest of snow.
I watched myself
carried on the back of a pink dragon
winging its way
towards the sun.
The sun cried out
in a song of sorrow
Its tears torched dry
by the solar heat.
Its sad lament resounding
across the limitless reaches
of the infinite universe.
Soon an ebony darkness
cloaked the earth
And the sun grew cold
shivering into a ball of icy blues
Its rays diminished
Its dazzle swallowed
into the pitch of nothingness.
A stone dead silence fell upon me
I was held captive
trapped in an inner space.
sans memory and thoughts.
Was I alone?
Where could I be?
Was this all a dream?
Or did the dream dream me?
Gloria Keh, Singapore
Gloria Keh, Singapore, an artist and poet, founded Circles of Love, a charity outreach
program in 2008, using her art in the service of humanity.
ı throw the fishes into the sea,
make them drink up the sea
but the sea is not finished
neiher is the night.
ı’m ill, fever running to 39
alone hopeless a stranger in this town
ı’m having dreams
weird dreams runaway from paintings
most surreal
pink horses ı see
grazing in your fields
pink horses with wet, slippery skin
could ı but mount you on one
so you could gallop away
to your own dream places
ı can not find you
always you are where you shouldnt be
ı throw the fishes up to the night
so they can eat it up
but the night is unfinished
ı jump on one of the pink horses
you’re not there
so puncturing the night right through its middle
off ı go any which where
yeşim ağaoğlu
Yesim Agaoglu (Turkey) was born and live in Istanbul. She took her undergraduate degree from Istanbul University in Art History and Archaeology, then a Master’s in Radio, TV and Cinema. Her poems have appeared in various anthologies, and her published books of poetry have been translated into many languages. She frequently participates in international literary and poetry festivals, as well as gaining recognition internationally as a contemporary artist.
You Dream A Dream
You dream a dream of sunny days
of butterflies while music plays
of loving arms that hold you tight
of roses red and starry nights
and memories made that take you there
You dream a dream of precious things
of promises and wedding rings
of kisses sweet like vintage wine
of chemistries when they combine
from heaven high an answered prayer
You dream a dream of something more
of tranquil times an end to war
of poetry and works of art
of loving words that touch your heart
with not a place but there's a friend
You dream a dream of peace on earth
of minds that merge for all they're worth
of kindness done in every deed
of famine gone for all we feed
with thoughts like these that never end
-Richard Doiron ©
Richard Doiron : Canada’s peace poet, published 59 years in personal
books, anthologies worldwide, recipient of many international awards;
journalist, Life Coach, poet, songwriter, novelist.
... E andare oltre
Oltre il muro del sogno
Raggiungendo indocili universi
Oltrepassando artificiosi prati
Dove i fiori sbocciano e
Mai apassiscono
Dove il sole sorge e mai tramonta
E lasciarsi andare allo smarrimento
In ghiaiosi sentieri di labirinti oscuri.
Anche per un solo giorno, una sola ora
Ritrovarsi a dileguare ogni timore
Percorrendo segreti dedali
Lasciandosi sedurre dall'astro d'amore.
Con lei ho sentito lo spirito ribelle
Che disconosce tremori
Con lei ho sognato strade in oasi di verde
Ed in cielo smarrirmi vestito di stelle.
Nel tempo di passione
La bellezza ho colto del creato
Con lei ho sognato, seguendo
Il volo dell' alcione oltre le ombre del vento.
Ma alla scommessa del vivere
Lattei parvero i sogni al mattino:
Esposta alle raffiche del Fato
L'ho vista alla luce di un'alba
Impaurita lesta allontanarsi
Ed ogni sogno disfarsi.
Aurelio Scaccia, Italy
Aurelio SCACCIA, nato in Sicilia, vive dal '75 a Torino dove ha lavorato quale Responsabile Tecnico presso un nota Società di servizio pubblico. Da sempre si è dedicato alla pittura oltre che alla poesia. Ha pubblicato sin dal 2008 diverse sillogi fra le quali, ultime: "Riflessi di paglia" e "Gocce d'ambra".
I come from afar, from where the Welsh drop their rags
Where the truth is stripped of lace, it surrenders.
Where does the boat go before dawn?
Perhaps the multicolored windows cut off reality, now that I denounce
the prosperous sides of the dream.
Vengo de lejos, de donde los galeses sueltan los harapos
Donde la verdad se despoja de encajes, se entrega.
A dónde va la barca antes del amanecer?
Quizás las ventanas multicolores cercenan la realidad, ahora que denuncio
Los lados prósperos del sueño.
Pedro Licona - Colombia
Pedro Licona. Quibdó, Chocó-Colombia. 1948. Poet, novelist and short story writer. Graduate in Philology. He has published: Lamps of my Earth, stories, 1983; the poetry books: Journey on foot to Akasha (1991), Landscape of Memory, 2008; and the novels: 7 and 45 (2007), Sambapalo (2011) and Tiempo de Gracia (2014).
Le rêve est toujours rebelle
Nul ne peut l’apprivoiser
Ni étouffer son souffle par laisses
Sans lui ne peut s’allumer nulle liesse
L’existence ne serait qu’amère tristesse
Il est transgression insurrection révolution
Contre toutes les chaînes d’esclavage
Il est souffle d’éternels progrès et innovations
Il est vie ses défis font naître inlassablement
Tant d’ailes tant de feu de vrai épanouissement
Tel phénix il renouvelle toujours ses chants
De Prométhée de Spartacus de femme déchaînée
Contre l’oppression la servitude et les humiliations
Le rêve est de l’humanité la sève
Alors rêve rêve rêve sans trêve
© Mokhtar El Amraoui in « Nouveaux poèmes »
aux rires du rêve
Ris rêve ris-toi
De tous ces murs d’abysses
Qui veulent te faire taire
Dans leur linceul d’ombres sous terre
Ris rêve ris
Luis de toutes tes couleurs libres
Fleurs stellaires des élévations ivres
Au-delà de tout enfermement
De tout enfer de prison qui ment
Ris rêve ris
Tu es le roi des firmaments
Tu sais t’offrir aux délices du vent
Pour semer tes graines d’espoir
Dans les chaudes attentes des sillons
D’où s’envolera l’or de nouvelles gerbes
Qui feront briller en un infatigable soleil
Les rayons multicolores de tes éclosions
Chantant en vertigineux frissons d’amour
Les infinis lendemains de galopants horizons
© Mokhtar El Amraoui in « Nouveaux poèmes »
Mokhtar El Amraoui est poète-artiste d’expression française né le 19 mai 1955 à Mateur, en Tunisie, d’un père algérien et d’une mère tunisienne. Il a enseigné la littérature et la civilisation françaises pendant plus de trois décennies. Passionné de poésie, depuis son enfance, il a publié quatre recueils. Le premier, en 2010, s'intitule "Arpèges sur les ailes de mes ans", le second, en 2014, "Le souffle des ressacs" et les troisième et quatrième en 2019, successivement « Chante, aube, que dansent tes plumes ! » et « Dans le tumulte du labyrinthe ».
A dream is a moment
A whisper
A way
A dream dreamt
If held and felt
In the heart
Centred, balanced
Becomes a light
A beacon
A beautiful belief
A dream becomes
A desire
A pursuit
So embrace your dream
It's the cream
Enhancing life like a beam.
Amita Sanghavi, Oman
Amita Sanghavi (Oman Sultanat) teaches at Sultan Qaboos University. She is a writer, a poet, an editor, a regular blogger and Youtuber who muses and reflects on Life.
Sur le lit de l'espoir
viens te baigner dans mes rêves
et savonner ton ennui
pour laver tes illusions
et tous ses hurlements
qui contaminent ton silence
le temps de n'y voir plus rien
que l'encerclement de tes doigts
étreignant la lumière
et ma parole rameutera tous tes espoirs
dans le pays de ta chambre
tapissée de plaisirs anciens
sous un ciel voyou
Huguette Bertrand (Canada)
Huguette Bertrand est une poète et éditrice Canadienne. Elle a publié 39 ouvrages de poésie dont plusieurs ouvrages en collaboration avec des artistes. Ses poèmes ont paru dans des revues et des anthologies internationales imprimées et en ligne, traduits en plusieurs langues.
En este mágico y bello jardín de emociones
El alma de la cigarra siente su bella voz
Girando la Alondra muestra sus sonrisas
Clavando alegrías de flor en flor,
El álamo se viste de seda verde luna
Con girasoles de colores que mitigan su calor
Suspirando van a hierba de rico olor.
El sol ardiente invade el aroma a rosas
A brisa de canarios que cantan al amor,
Jazmines soñando fuego de pasiones
Dando gracias a Dios.
Mas…mis bellas margaritas
Unidas revoloteando suspiros al cielo
Despiertan en recuerdos perdidos
Llorando secretos escondidos
Tesoros desnudos dentro del corazón
En ausencia de besos en cada flor .
Se rompieron las reglas bañadas de ilusión
en este jardín de ensueños
Donde las lágrimas invadieron el alma
En esta primavera del amor.
Autor Carmela Núñez
País: Peru/ USA
Autor Carmela Núñez
Técnica: acuarela
Medidas: 53-37