Installations - Fine Art Photos

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED - Each individual photo/artwork is copyrighted - Tous droits réservés

Contributions are in order of arrival


Quotes from Dylan Thomas: ‘© The Dylan Thomas Trust’

#MyMilkWood by Angela Caporaso, Italy: Captain Cat



L’arte di Angela Caporaso è stata caratterizzata fin dall’esordio da una continua ricerca e sperimentazione.
Le sue prime mostre, che risalgono agli anni ottanta, già rivelano infatti una costante tensione verso nuovi linguaggi espressivi.



#MyMilkWood by Lidia Chiarelli, Italy

Lidia Chiarelli's installations



#DYLANDAY - #mymilkwood

Lidia Chiarelli (Turin, Italy). Writer, artist, translator, founder with Aeronwy Thomas of the literary-art movement Immagine & Poesia  (2007). Six nominations for the Pushcart Prize (USA). Awarded with the Literary Arts Medal (NY) 2020. Sahitto International Grand Jury Award 2021. Coordinator of DylanDay in Italy.

 Her poems are translated in many languages and published in several countries around the world.

#MyMilkWood by Gianpiero Actis, Italy

Gianpiero Actis' installations





Gianpiero Actis (Torino, Italy). Eye surgeon and artist, with permanent exhibitions in the UK (Swansea, Wales) and in Belgium (Huy). In 2007 co-founder of the art-literary Movement “Immagine & Poesia” with  Aeronwy Thomas.


Shiv Raj Pradhan, India: Tribute to "Clown in the moon"

I think, that if I touched the earth,
It would crumble;
It is so sad and beautiful,
So tremulously like a dream.


Clown in the moon -Dylan Thomas -


Quotes from Dylan Thomas: ‘© The Dylan Thomas Trust’

 Fine Art Photo
Shiv Raj Pradhan - India
Trilinguist poet /Social Worker /Amateur Photographer. Poems are published in various Anthologies. Also Certificates of award have been bestowed upon by various poetry institution of International base. Invariably shared photos in various Photography sites and possess certificates of awards issued by Photography sites. Some Photography sites have selected me as one of the PHOTOGRAPHER OF THE YEAR - 2023.

Biagio Fortini, Italy: "Questo non è un sogno"-"Nell'immensità del blu"-"Sognando l'estate"

"Questo non è un sogno"


"Nell'immensità del blu"


"Sognando l'estate"




Biagio Fortini è nato a Ripalta Cremasca, nella provincia di Cremona. La sua passione per la fotografia l’ha portato a viaggiare in tanti Paesi del mondo. Le immagini delle sue fotografie sono diventate copertine di oltre quaranta opere letterarie di poesia e prosa pubblicate tra Stati Uniti, Canada, Francia, Italia, Albania, Kosovo, Romania, Turchia, Filippine, India e Serbia.